Doubleday Financial

Navigating Uncertain Times

Roland Doubleday

Roland Doubleday

Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®)

With an eye towards my future as a financial professional, I attended Loyola University of New Orleans while supporting myself as an apprentice residential real estate appraiser and cable TV salesperson.

I graduated with a concentration in finance, the timing of which coincided with a major economic downturn. I joined Whitney Bank and the perspective I gained there witnessing the economic contraction first-hand would serve me well throughout my career. During my tenure there, I had the benefit of comprehensive training through Robert Morris and Associates. After working my way up through operations, my banking career advanced into the credit department where I performed credit analysis and loan review, before becoming a commercial lender. I financed a wide array of projects from home equity lines of credit to seagoing vessels.

I was recruited by Merrill Lynch and became their business financial services coordinator in the New Orleans office. In January of 2000, in an effort to align my professional focus and my personal passion of acting in my clients’ best interests, I earned the credential of Certified Financial Planner. I moved to Smith Barney and in 2007, became an independent advisor. This was integral in sharpening my fiduciary focus. As an independent financial advisor, I am not employed by a bank or wire house, but by my clients. This eliminates conflicting duties, i.e., production quotas and favoring proprietary products. I am thus free to construct a plan for each of my clients which prioritizes their needs.

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Early Years

Growing up in a large family with modest means, I learned the value of patience, sharing and teamwork. My four siblings and I, all one year apart, spent our childhoods in Belle Chase and then later in River Ridge, where I reside again today.  I will always value the foundations of respect and integrity I developed then as well as the benefits of clear communication and healthy competition.

In high school, I participated in sports and was the senior class president of De la Salle High School. While there I met many people who influenced the man I would become. I still value the friends and mentors I encountered during those years, and have since served as a Board Member and supporter of the school’s many endeavors.


As a fiduciary, it is my mission to understand each client’s goals, priorities and risk tolerance to create an individualized plan to meet life’s financial challenges. As each person’s situation is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all plan that will work for everyone.  It is my goal to maximize my clients’ ability to meet those challenges and weather uncertainty with the support of an experienced professional by their side.


It is my commitment to perform in the best interest of my client at all times.  This highlights the value of honesty and communication to maintain a relevant strategy over time which supports what is important to my client.  In my own life, honesty and integrity are the values that have guided me.  I believe it is these values that provide the basis upon which trust is built.


As a fiduciary, it is my mission to understand each client’s goals, priorities and risk tolerance to create an individualized plan to meet life’s financial challenges. As each person’s situation is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all plan that will work for everyone.  It is my goal to maximize my clients’ ability to meet those challenges and weather uncertainty with the support of an experienced professional by their side.


It is my commitment to perform in the best interest of my client at all times.  This highlights the value of honesty and communication to maintain a relevant strategy over time which supports what is important to my client.  In my own life, honesty and integrity are the values that have guided me.  I believe it is these values that provide the basis upon which trust is built.

In My Heart

I have always treasured the bonds I’ve formed with those close to me, family and friends. That will be my legacy. I believe we are what we leave behind and those opportunities I’ve had to be helpful to others and mutually enrich each others’ lives are the moments I treasure most.

I am filled with gratitude when I look back on my life. I remember as a youngster riding bikes, making friends at school, and then as I got older participating in sports, pursuing my education, and starting a family. I now realize how blessed I’ve been, as these memories contrast drastically with the reality endured by those suffering from severe mental illness.

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As I have had more exposure to the problem over the years, the plight of those suffering from untreated mental illness has garnered my attention and empathy. These individuals often become the forgotten souls who live beneath bridges and overpasses with little hope for societal reentry. I aspire to raise awareness of the severity of the problem and commit to educate myself to be an advocate and ally.  I maintain optimism that the associated stigma of mental illness is declining even as our knowledge of the impact mental health has on society — including suicide, substance use disorders and homelessness — continues to grow. It is my hope that our compassion for those suffering does the same.

man sitting by the sea, looking off into the sunset

In My Heart

I have always treasured the bonds I’ve formed with those close to me, family and friends, and hoped that would be my legacy. I believe we are what we leave behind and those opportunities I’ve had to be helpful to others and mutually enrich each others’ lives are the moments I treasure most.

I am filled with gratitude when I look back on my life. I remember as a youngster riding bikes, taking walks, making friends at school, and then as I got older participating in sports, pursuing my education, and starting a family. I now realize how blessed I’ve been, as these memories contrast drastically with the reality endured by those suffering from severe mental illness.

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It is personally very rewarding to develop deep relationships with multiple generations of families. Over the years I have encountered families that have a member with a serious mental illness. Professionally, this is very frustrating because of the helplessness of not being able to assist.

As I have learned more about it, the plight of those suffering from untreated mental illness has become a cause that demands my empathy and my attention; I aspire to raise awareness of the severity of the problem. In the United States they are the forgotten people who live beneath bridges and overpasses, many of whom suffer from mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Part of this problem stems from a lack of available institutional housing for this population – a problem exacerbated by a change in the way mental health facilities receive federal funding that occurred in the 60’s.

In an apparent effort to disincentivize large institutional asylums which were the norm at the time, in 1965 the Institutions for Mental Disease created an exclusion in Medicaid funding for adult mental health facilities with more than 16 beds.  The hope was that smaller, more compassionately run community-based facilities would emerge. Unfortunately, the financial infeasibility of this model did not produce the desired result.  Facilities closed and without financial incentive to healthcare providers to care for this vulnerable population, many individuals ended up either on the streets or incarcerated.

Another contributing factor to this problem is a condition called anosognosia.  Commonly experienced by those suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, anosognosia is a person’s inability to perceive the reality of their own condition. Without an awareness of their disease, they do not seek to obtain a diagnosis or begin treatment. Without a healthcare industry with resources to address their issues, this population remains largely unassisted. Adding to this difficulty are civil liberties groups who may well have good intentions, but who do not accept the reality of anosognosia. They prioritize the rights of the mentally ill to make their own healthcare choices.

Unfortunately, without awareness that they are ill, it is not uncommon for those with diseases like schizophrenia to resist treatment or assistance. As it stands now, treatment intervention is only performed if an individual is deemed to be at risk of grave danger.

I believe that it is incumbent upon us as a society to address the needs of this largely ignored population. The healthcare system should be incentivized to treat these individuals and the stigma of mental illness versus other physical ailments must dissolve.  We as voters should be holding our elected representatives accountable and requesting that they create an environment that will instruct the medical industry to care for this population.

As I continue to educate myself and advocate to improve the lives of those impacted by mental health conditions, I maintain optimism that the associated stigma is steadily declining.  Our knowledge of the impact mental health plays on society including suicide, substance use disorders, and homelessness continues to grow.  It is my hope that our compassion and empathy for those suffering do the same. I believe that these experiences prepare me to be empathetic and helpful to my clients, friends, and family.


Financial Planning

As a Certified Financial Planner I have met rigorous standards for education, ongoing training and ethics. With your input regarding your unique goals, timeline, and risk tolerance, we can create a useful tool for meeting life’s financial challenges.

We begin by discussing, identifying and prioritizing our client’s financial needs and goals in order to set the stage for successful planning. Often these needs and goals are dynamic; our planning processes make sure we review and update them often. Some examples of needs and goals include coaching to create savings discipline, college savings, major purchases, growing wealth, travel, and small business issues.

After the needs and goals are identified, the foundation of our process is Cash Flow, Cash Reserves, Savings and Debts/Liabilities. We will organize your financial data into a Net Worth Statement and a Cash Flow Report. We check credit scores and review credit reports and credit protection methods. We develop a financial management strategy including financial projections and analysis. We consider ways to minimize current taxes and balance retirement savings strategies to plan for reduced tax costs or tax free income in retirement. We identify tax planning strategies that you can use with a tax preparer to optimize your financial position.

Finally, we integrate and prioritize strategies outlined above into a written comprehensive financial plan.

The following link describes a secured personalized financial planning resource which is available to my clients. The client site organizer described allows you to group all your financial information in one location, with easy access to view income and expenses at both the summary and detail level.

Personal Financial Website Organizer Overview

**The above link is provided as a courtesy. When you link to any of the websites provided, Doubleday makes no representation as to the completeness or accuracy of the information therein. The company is not liable for any direct or indirect technical or system issues or any consequences arising out of your use of third-party technologies, sites, information and programs.

Investment Management

In theory investing sounds easy – buy low and sell high – but without a crystal ball and a time machine, it isn’t that straightforward.  Because of the uncertainty of financial markets, there are principles and strategies that enable us to build an investment portfolio that reflects your risk tolerance, time horizon, and goals.  With so many choices competing for your investment dollars, how reassuring to work with an independent advisor whose goals are aligned with your success.

Retirement Planning

This phase of life looks very different for different individuals. Without planning for its eventuality, it is hard to expect that one’s golden years will magically unfold.

How much better to have a plan to create the retirement of your choosing. Taking into account all the variables which affect your golden years – including social security, taxes, and healthcare – this preparation can be easier and more effective with the help of a professional.

Estate Planning

Effective estate management enables you to protect your wealth during your lifetime and direct its distribution after death. A comprehensive strategy might include your healthcare wishes and ensure that they’re carried out – even if you are unable to communicate, as well as a designee to manage your financial affairs should you be unable to do so.

As a gift to those we care about most, estate planning may be time well spent.

We facilitate estate documents being created and kept current. (Wills, Power of Attorney, Medical Directives)

We assess estate net worth and liquidity and provide information to help you develop an estate plan (including estate tax planning and trust strategies) to help ensure estate needs are managed/met.


We assess your insurance policies and discuss protecting you and your family from catastrophic financial events

  • Establishing needs analysis based on life value or income replacement for Life Insurance
  • Determining the appropriateness of Long Term Care insurance for various end-of-life scenarios
  • Calculating and determining disability insurance needs/coverage
  • Review Medical Insurance
  • Review Homeowners Insurance
  • Review Auto Insurance
  • Review Personal Liability exposure (including renters, umbrella policy)
Income Products

Regarding income products like annuities and REITS, I believe that most people would be best served by investing in professionally managed diversified portfolios of fixed-income securities. Rider benefits of annuities should be considered only after evaluating the cost of unbundling the objectives.


Financial Planning

As a Certified Financial Planner I have met rigorous standards for education, ongoing training and ethics. With your input regarding your unique goals, timeline, and risk tolerance, we can create a useful tool for meeting life’s financial challenges.

We begin by discussing, identifying and prioritizing our client’s financial needs and goals in order to set the stage for successful planning. Often these needs and goals are dynamic; our planning processes make sure we review and update them often. Some examples of needs and goals include coaching to create savings discipline, college savings, major purchases, growing wealth, travel, and small business issues.

After the needs and goals are identified, the foundation of our process is Cash Flow, Cash Reserves, Savings and Debts/Liabilities. We will organize your financial data into a Net Worth Statement and a Cash Flow Report. We check credit scores and review credit reports and credit protection methods. We develop a financial management strategy including financial projections and analysis. We consider ways to minimize current taxes and balance retirement savings strategies to plan for reduced tax costs or tax free income in retirement. We identify tax planning strategies that you can use with a tax preparer to optimize your financial position.

Finally, we integrate and prioritize strategies outlined above into a written comprehensive financial plan.

The following link describes a secured personalized financial planning resource which is available to my clients. The client site organizer described allows you to group all your financial information in one location, with easy access to view income and expenses at both the summary and detail level.

Personal Financial Website Organizer Overview

**The following links are provided as a courtesy. When you link to any of the websites provided, Doubleday makes no representation as to the completeness or accuracy of the information therein. The company is not liable for any direct or indirect technical or system issues or any consequences arising out of your use of third-party technologies, sites, information and programs.

Investment Management

In theory investing sounds easy – buy low and sell high – but without a crystal ball and a time machine, it isn’t that straightforward.  Because of the uncertainty of financial markets, there are principles and strategies that enable us to build an investment portfolio that reflects your risk tolerance, time horizon, and goals.  With so many choices competing for your investment dollars, how reassuring to work with an independent advisor whose goals are aligned with your success.

Retirement Planning

This phase of life looks very different for different individuals. Without planning for its eventuality, it is hard to expect that one’s golden years will magically unfold.

How much better to have a plan to create the retirement of your choosing. Taking into account all the variables which affect your golden years – including social security, taxes, and healthcare – this preparation can be easier and more effective with the help of a professional.

Estate Planning

Effective estate management enables you to protect your wealth during your lifetime and direct its distribution after death. A comprehensive strategy might include your healthcare wishes and ensure that they’re carried out – even if you are unable to communicate, as well as a designee to manage your financial affairs should you be unable to do so.

As a gift to those we care about most, estate planning may be time well spent.

We facilitate estate documents being created and kept current. (Wills, Power of Attorney, Medical Directives)

We assess estate net worth and liquidity and provide information to help you develop an estate plan (including estate tax planning and trust strategies) to help ensure estate needs are managed/met.


We assess your insurance policies and discuss protecting you and your family from catastrophic financial events

  • Establishing needs analysis based on life value or income replacement for Life Insurance
  • Determining the appropriateness of Long Term Care insurance for various end-of-life scenarios
  • Calculating and determining disability insurance needs/coverage
  • Review Medical Insurance
  • Review Homeowners Insurance
  • Review Auto Insurance
  • Review Personal Liability exposure (including renters, umbrella policy)
Income Products

Regarding income products like annuities and REITS, I believe that most people would be best served by investing in professionally managed diversified portfolios of fixed-income securities. Rider benefits of annuities should be considered only after evaluating the cost of unbundling the objectives.


Federal Government Resources


US Government Website

US Treasury

Internal Revenue Service

Social Security Administration

Social Security Early or Late

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services


For a variety of financial news geared towards individuals, as well as calculators, worksheets, and checklists

For Residents of the State of Louisiana:


Check for your unclaimed property at

The State of Louisiana offers a college savings plan under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. Learn more at

Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance

Securities Information


Securities and Exchange Commission

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority


Personal Finance Tools


Nerd Wallet

Bankrate Financial Calculators

Get more control of your financial life with a free yearly credit report


Treasury Hunt 

**The above links are provided as a courtesy. When you link to any of the websites provided, Doubleday makes no representation as to the completeness or accuracy of the information therein. The company is not liable for any direct or indirect technical or system issues or any consequences arising out of your use of third-party technologies, sites, information and programs.

Contact Information


3501 N. Causeway Blvd, Suite 420
Metairie, LA 70002
Get Directions


Voice and text: 504-832-3006
Toll-Free: 866-553-3006


Appointments are available in 30 minute timeslots.

Securities offered through Registered Representatives of Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a broker-dealer, member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser. Cambridge is not affiliated with Doubleday. Cambridge does not provide tax advice.

This communication is strictly intended for individuals residing in the states of AL, AR, CA, FL, GA, ID,  LA, MS, NC, NY, SC, TX, WA. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident outside the specific states referenced.

The information being provided is strictly as a courtesy. When you link to any of these web-sites provided herein, Doubleday makes no representation as   to the completeness or accuracy of information provided at these sites. Nor is the company liable for any direct or indirect technical or system issues or any consequences arising out of your access to or your use of third-party technologies, sites, information and programs made available through this site.

Cambridge’s Form CRS (Customer Relationship Summary)

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Doubleday Financial